View the Principal Scenes of the Tapestry
King Edward sends Harold as a messenger to Duke William in Normandy
Edward sends Harold as a messenger to Duke William in Normandy. Harold rides to Bosham with his men. They feast in his hall. They set sail for Normandy.
Harold is captured by Count Guy of Ponthieu
Harold’s ship is blown off course and arrives in the lands held by Count Guy of Ponthieu. Guy apprehends Harold and holds him captive.
William orders Guy to send Harold to him
William sends messengers to Count Guy ordering him to send Harold to him. Guy conducts Harold to Duke William.
Harold and William in Normandy
Harold goes to William’s palace. Harold and William cross the River Couesnon. William’s wars at Dol and Dinan. William gives arms to Harold. Harold swears an oath to William.
Harold Returns to England
Harold returns to England and reports to King Edward.
The Death of King Edward and the Coronation of Harold
The Death of King Edward. His body is brought to Westminster Abbey. A ’flashback’ scene where Edward is shown speaking to his witan on his deathbed. The coronation of Harold. The appearance of Halley’s Comet.
William learns of Harold’s Coronation and makes preparation for War
A Ship from England brings news of Harold’s coronation. William orders ships to be built. Ships are constructed and launched. Arms and supplies are brought to the ships.
William’s Army crosses the Channel and lands at Pevensey
William boards ship. The fleet crosses the Channel and lands at Pevensey.
William’s army moves to Hastings
William’s army moves to Hastings and seizes food. A meal is prepared. A castle is constructed at Hastings. News of Harold is brought to William. A house is burned and a woman and child flee.
The Armies come to Battle
William’s army leave Hastings to engage Harold’s forces. William questions Vital for news of Harold’s army. Information about William’s army is brought to Harold. William encourages his soldiers.
The Battle of Hastings
William’s army charges. Harold’s soldiers occupy a position on the hill. Harold’s brothers Leofwine and Gyrth are killed. Many soldiers are killed on both sides. Bishop Odo rallies William’s soldiers. William shows his face, quashing the rumour that he has been killed. William’s army attacks again; many English are killed, and Harold himself is killed. The English forces flee after the death of Harold.