anno 868 (actually 867)
anno 867 (actually 866)
This year the same army went into Mercia to Nottingham, and there fixed their winter-quarters; and Burhred, king of the Mercians, with his council, besought Ethered, king of the West-Saxons, and Alfred, his brother; that they would assist them in fighting against the army. And they went with the West- Saxon army into Mercia as far as Nottingham, and there meeting the army on the works, they beset them within. But there was no heavy fight; for the Mercians made peace with the army.p>
Next Page: anno 869 (actually 868)
Activities of the Great Army
anno 866 (actually 855)
anno 867 (actually 866)
anno 868 (actually 867)
anno 869 (actually 868)
anno 870 (actually 869)
anno 870 (actually 869) continued
anno 871 (actually 870)
anno 871 (actually 870) continued
anno 872 (actually 871)
anno 873 (actually 872)
anno 873 (actually 872) continued
anno 874 (actually 873)
anno 875 (actually 874)
anno 876 (actually 875)
anno 876
anno 878 (actually 877)
anno 878
anno 878 continued
anno 878 Battle of Edington